Season of Creation Prayer

Surrounded as we are with constant devastating news about climate chaos, bio-diversity loss and the ever-growing mountains of pollution it is easy to fall into despair. And yet as people of faith, we have hope – the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance of what we do not yet see (cf. Hebrews 11:1).

In the words of Archbishop Tutu “Hope is being able to see that there is light – despite all the darkness.”

As faith without action is dead (James 2:26) – so hope without action is meaningless and, in this service, we acknowledge and lament our sense of despair, cling to our faith and hope, and commit ourselves to act with Creation for the renewal of life.

We hold our prayer service today as part of the ecumenical Season of Creation, a season of prayer and action for our common home that takes place every year from September 1 to October 4. The theme for the Season of Creation this year is “To hope and act with Creation”, and the symbol is “The first fruits of hope”, inspired by Romans 8:19-25.

A prayer for the ending of the Season of Creation has been compiled by Sr Margaret Scott.

Please download Season of Creation Prayer