The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions joyfully share with you a reflection on the  theme of our forthcoming  29th Congregational Chapter in 2026.

 United with Pope Francis during this Jubilee Year
We see ourselves as Pilgrims of Hope in our world.

For over 164 years, we have walked in the footsteps of our Foundress, Euphrasie Barbier. We treasure with gratitude the journey we have made so far.

The title of our Congregation is Our Lady of the Missions.
It is by our commitment to this Divine Mission that we participate in the one divine mission of the Trinity. We are held there in a community of love at the very heart of the Trinity.

We recognise that it is God who is now drawing us on – inviting us to express our oneness with this one DIVINE Mission in ever new ways.
We recognise that transformation and radical action are needed in every aspect and sphere of our lives.  We are ready to accept the challenge and privilege.
We aspire to be ever more – messengers of God’s HOPE, bringing the love and compassion of the Trinity wherever we are called to serve – and to do so with a burning zeal for the praise and glory of God.
In the past few years we have courageously responded to the cry of the poor.   Our missions have expanded over the years and more recently to include establishing communities in Tanzania and in the Bronx, USA, so as to address new needs and challenges.
Every year we have witnessed the final profession of so many of our young Religious throughout the world, including Vietnam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Philippines, India and Africa.
These young Sisters inspire and encourage us with their generosity and energy, as they are missioned to new and demanding territories.

We will walk humbly with Mary, Mother of Hope, asking her to nourish and nurture our HOPE so that it becomes a Gift to the World.  Like Christ, we will reach out to all of humanity with compassion and love.

We firmly believe that Christian Hope is powerful. It is not based on our human efforts but solely on the strength of Christ who IS our HOPE.
The resurrection of Christ is the source of our Hope.

According to the Gospel of St Luke, he constantly reminds us that life on earth is a succession of journeys, one leading into another.   It was very much so for Jesus.  He was always moving from place to place – situation to situation – one challenge to another. Always the same aim: to do the will of his heavenly Father- eyes firmly fixed on the final goal:
Resurrection and everlasting life.
I believe it is true to say that it is not the destination which is paramount in this life – but the focus of the journey and the choices and decisions we make that leads us to our final destination – death, resurrection and glorious eternal life.

As Euphrasie tells us – God asks only one thing from us—“LOVE.”
A love that gives all for ALL and possesses all in the ALL.


We are all invited to be pilgrims of Hope

Sr. Frances Collett, rndm