Relish a Taste of Beauty

With a sudden abundant hint that hope is in the air, it is a blessing to celebrate spring in the Northern Hemisphere after such a long, dreary winter. May, is a time of surprise and wonder as we enjoy the silence and energy of birthing once again; and delight in the colourful creative magnificence opening before our eyes in the heart of creation.


“A bird gently singing a song echoes through the trees, that beautiful, magical tune carried softly by the breeze. Oh, that calm gentle sound brings some peace to my life; sometimes filled with pain, sorrow, and strife. The joy to sit and listen, if only for a while  Brings a fullness to my heart and to my lips a smile…   “ (Connie Rae Sebert, from Poem “Birdsong”)

Imagine spending this month of May asking “may I …” to all that touches our soul and imagine being open to seeing the earth, the people in our lives respond by welcoming us into their tender, respectful and warm embrace.

I smile as I imagine myself asking the birds: “may I listen to your sweet song of love?” or to the trees blowing in the wind: “may I watch you dance today?”

I wonder, if this is the way, God is with us, often asking;
“may I come closer?”
“may I share with you the breadth and depth of my love for you?”
“may I share your life and be with you in all your challenges?”

Moreover, perhaps we in our turn ask:
“may I care for planet earth?”
“may I become a peacemaker in this world of unrest and struggle?”;
“may I help rediscover justice, human rights in our families and nation?”;
“may I be actively creative in visions, dreams and yearnings as our future unfolds?”

“Be still the world will turn herself inside out to entertain you”
(Barbara Kingsolver-

And Mary pondered all these things in her Heart

Elizabeth Hartigan, RNDM