“Why am I so favoured?” Luke 1:130

In Monica Brown’s chant, “Invisible Mystery”, she sings about “sacredness enfolding us here and now”. This enfolding conjures up for me the image of the Trinity, wrapped around my being, making me aware, once again, that I am part of the Trinitarian Mystery. God reveals Trinity in the depths of my being, yes, but also wrapped around me, consuming me and so bringing me into the very heart of Mystery. What is more, this is also true for every other human being! If I truly believed that, and LIVED the belief, then I would look on every individual person with new eyes. Nowhere does it say that this enfolding by God refers only to “good” people. No, it’s true of ALL people! Now that’s another mystery – what about all the evil that seems to be happening in our world today? Are the perpetrators of this evil ALSO enfolded by the sacredness of God? Our faith tells us that God created each human being in the likeness of God, and gave each of us free will. Poor choices, even bad BAD choices, don’t mean God stops loving us, as we are part of God’s creation. This concept is hard to understand, but the good news is that I don’t HAVE to understand. My invitation is to live out the mystery of God working both within my being, and all around my being.

God Trinity, You have long given me an awareness of Your Presence deep within me, and drawn me into that Presence on numerous occasions. Now You are reminding me that I am enfolded within YOUR BEING, too. Open my eyes to appreciate the beauty of this mystery within person of “the other”, whoever she or he may be, and together we can ask the question once again:

“Why am I (we) so favoured?” Luke 1:30

Maria McMahon, RNDM

September 2016