COLOURS of LIFE – September Reflection

I remember the song – “All things bright and beautiful . . . the good God made them All.”

Every month some calendars attributes a special place for God’s Beauty and Grandeur. So does the month of September. I am always struck with the colours of autumn; coincidently, I was reading an article in the Jesuits spirituality magazine (Thinking Faith, 2023) where Vivian Amu writes about colours, so I quote from her writings:

Let us claim the colours of autumn in our lives.

Brown holds for us stability, protection, endurance, and simplicity.

Red holds for us passion, determination, love, and adventure.

Orange holds balance, warmth, and freedom from our inner prisons

Magenta holds harmony.

Purple in autumn leaves prompts our vast imaginations, depths of spirituality, transformation, and wisdom.

YES, colour brings us joy and hopefulness, therefore, I invite us to reflect on what are we thankful for this month of September?

Let us speak those things aloud, write them down, reflect on them, remember them, because when we fill our minds and hearts with gratitude, there will be no room for worry or ungratefulness.

As the leaves change and fall, we are reminded that we will change, we will transform, and we will fall into God’s arms to wait for something new and wonderful to happen in our lives

The new colours of the autumn leaves are but a glimpse into the richness and diversity of the loving life-moments God has in store for us. So, stay awake, and be present to all that really matters.

Life ought to be flexible and fun filled, but also life is full of exciting, challenging and scary moments. The only difference there is how you look at them. If you want to enjoy every moment in life and live it to the full, then add colour to your life.

Joyce Peter rndmcolours