Reflection – International Day for the Aged in Society – October 1

As autumn fast approaches, we do not fail to notice around us how nature is changing; giving up its treasure of leaves and once blooming flowers ceasing to produce such colourful carpets of gold and sparking gems in various shapes and sizes.  But it is time! Everything has to undergo change. “There is a given time for everything and time for every happening under heaven.” Eccl 3.1.

At this time of the year, we also notice that some plants never return or stems and tree trunks change their appearance getting, thicker, gnarled and crusty. What once stood proud and in their prime have had to accept change and to see one’s changed status in nature – to rest and maybe offer oneself to the ground, as nourishment, making way for new life.

This image reminds me of something I heard recently: “As we grow old, it is a graced time – we can now let go of a busy existence and have more time with God.”  In contrast, this also rings true:  “While there is breath in our lungs, there is purpose in our life!”

Pope Francis captures these moments of change and sees these transitions as valuable: In one of his daily addresses in March, 2025, he gave a special title for the elderly – “a reservoir of wisdom.” He says: “The elderly are the reservoir of wisdom for our people!” When we think of it, we have an untapped source of “wealth” in our midst. . .  And he continues: “The Church cannot and does not want to conform to a mentality of impatience, and much less of indifference and contempt, towards old age. We must reawaken the collective sense of gratitude, of appreciation, of hospitality, which makes the elder feel like a living part of his or her community.”

Oct Refl24During this time of change we can obtain inspiration and hope from nature all around us – despite the shedding of leaves and losing vibrant colours, the roots and seeds remain and memories are grounded.  Our aged in society are unique and very essential in how they hold secrets of the past and shared wisdom. Only when intergenerational sharing takes place do we realise that we have tapped into a “reservoir of wisdom.” Today, let us remember our wisdom members of society. They hold the secret like nature, of how to blossom anew!

Image: Pikbest Designer

Sr Rose Mary Harbinson, rndm