Reflection for December – Winter Magic

As the year drifts into winter, we notice subtle differences in nature especially in the quality of light, the length of days, and the bareness of the trees; nature begins to slowly fall asleep.

In his poem, “The Sleeping Babe” Henry Baron describes the differences in nature very aptly in the following lines,advent 11

“The moon turned white to silver
On the hills the snow shawl lay,
And the guiding light of Christ’s Birth – Star
Poured down its glorious ray.

The star lit the poor inn stable,
Joseph and Mary cuddled there –
Gazing in love ‘pon their new born Babe,
All – innocent and unaware.”

The moment we enter this very special season of Advent and light the first candle on the Advent wreath, we become aware that God is present with us, while we wait longingly for the fulfilment of God’s plans. What makes Advent so special is the waiting in patient expectation for the second coming of Jesus. In the week before Christmas the atmosphere changes from waiting to the joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus.

The whole idea of waiting for the Christ’s coming at Christmas reminds us of COP 26.  Like the rest of the world we are waiting and hoping that world leaders will continue to commit themselves to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and earnestly work towards saving our common home.

Although some progress was made during the meeting in Glasgow, we are aware of the urgent need for financial help to reach countries in the Global South to help them deal with the aftermath of the dreadful droughts and floods experienced.  May the star which lit the stable in Bethlehem as Mary and Joseph gazed lovingly at their new born child, light the lives of the poor bringing them some hope and courage as they try to rebuild their lives.

As Christmas draws near, a magical silence fills the air. Even in the bleakness of bare branches and the lonely sound of the wind, the earth is being renewed once more under the frost covered ground and withered leaves. Something new is happening, a promise of something wonderful to come.

  St Rambert –  en – Bugey, France


 Sr Brigid Quinn, RNDM